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The students of the Lycée Georges Duby in Aix-Luynes are once again organising a Model United Nations event. GDMUN has been organised very successfully every year since 2015 (with the inevitable break during Covid) and this year the students have decided to open the event to a wider group of participants. We would be delighted to invite you and/or your students to GDMUN 2024.

When: the event will be held over the weekend of 6th to 7th April, from the Saturday morning to the Sunday afternoon.

Where: in the Lycée Georges Duby, Luynes (Saturday) and the Law Fac, Aix-Marseille University, Aix-en-Provence (Sunday)

How much: registration costs 21€ per student (which includes the Saturday evening social event with food)

Who: YOUR students !! (and around 350 other students – with some happy teachers)

Some overnight accommodation will be available with host families from the school.

Numbers will be limited so if you are interested PLEASE REPLY ASAP to:

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