We would be happy to receive feedback from parents as regards any additional information or eventually functionality that they would like to see added to this Parents/Students section of our website. Please address any suggestions to Lauren Thepot at contact@asiba.fr.
APE Membership of ASIBA
If your BFI British / anglophone Section has its own Parents’ Association (or other parent grouping representing the interests of the Section’s parents) then the annual ASIBA membership fee paid by your school / section allows for two ASIBA members from your school (i) the school / section itself and (ii) the parents’ association / parents’ representative.
If your Section and the Parents’ Association form one and the same association / body then two members are allowed, one representing the section (normally the head of section / director) and one representing the parents.
To formalise your association’s right to membership please contact the Secretary: secretary@asiba.fr .
Participation in the Board of Directors ASIBA
There are up to 3 places on the Board of Directors of ASIBA open to representatives of the Parents’ Association members and currently there is one incumbent: Katharine Axten (Balzac Parents).
If your association wishes to get involved and has a willing volunteer interested in applying for a place on the Board please contact secretary@asiba.fr.
Board meetings are mainly held remotely via an on-line meeting platform with one physical meeting in the autumn, normally held in Sèvres to take advantage of the presence of teachers at the annual subject meetings hosted at the CIEP, and another brief in-person meeting following on from the AGM, normally held in December (the venue of which varies).
APE Websites
Not all ASIBA member schools have a separate Parents Association for the British / anglophone Section parents. However, among those which do and which have their own websites are as follows:
Buc: PSAB (Association des Parents de la Section Anglophone de Buc)
Chantilly: APARC (AP Anglophones de la Région de Chantilly)
Colomier (Toulouse): English 31 (APE)
Grenoble: Umbrella English Section
Lille: Groupe de Parents des Sections Internationales Britanniques de Lille (GPS IBL)
Marseille: APEEVIM (Facebook page)
Nogent-sur-Marne: APESIA (APE de la Section Internationale Anglophone)
Paris Balzac: APESA (Association des Parents d’Élèves Section Anglophone)
Paris, Camille Sée: ASICS (Association de la Section Internationale Camille Sée)
St. Germain-en-Laye: APE Section Britannique du Lycée International
Strasbourg: APELEVIS (APE pour les Sections Internationales de Strasbourg)