In alphabetical order…
Association des Sections Internationales Britanniques et Anglophones: association supporting the British option of the OIB.
Autumn or subject meetings
The round of meetings of colleagues involved in the British OIB organised by the schools’ group. Three meetings take place in France: an English teachers’ meeting, a History-Geography teachers’ meeting and a Heads of Section meeting. Normally the first two are in October and the latter in November.
Boldset designed the new (now current) ASIBA logo and designed and built this website.
British OIB Schools’ Group
The sections/schools currently preparing the British version of the International Option validated by the French and British authorities.
Cambridge Assessment
An international exams group designing and delivering assessments to over 8 million learners in over 170 countries.
“Cambridge” or “Cambridge Board”
The British examinations board which is the British partner of the French authorities for the British OIB. The term Cambridge Assessment, of which Cambridge International Examinations is part, is also used. This organisation develops, sets, marks and administers a wide range of examinations in Britain and in the world. It runs the IGCSEs which are taken in some British international sections.
Centre d’études pédagogiques internationales: an organisation based in Sèvres (near Paris) to which the running of the French aspects of OIB exams are sub-contracted by the French Ministry of Education. The CIEP runs a conference centre (which is often used for OIB events). [web site] Person responsible for OIB arrangements: Mme Stéphanie Loup.
Diréction Générale de l’Enseignement Scolaire. Major department of the French education Ministry.
Direction des Relations Européennes, Internationales et de la Coopération. The part of the French Ministry in Paris which deals directly with the OIB.
English Language Schools Association
Fondation pour le Développement de l’Enseignement International
The General Certification of Secondary Education is a qualification awarded in a specified subject in secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The GCSE replaced the CSE and GCE O-Level examinations in 1988.
The IGCSE (see below) is the International version.
The International General Certificate of Secondary Education is the International version of the GCSE.
Ministère de l’Education Nationale
French Ministry of Education. HQ: rue de Grenelle, Paris.
Option Internationale du Baccalauréat: the international option of the French Baccalauréat
Schools’ Chair
The head of section chosen to lead the group of schools participating in the British OIB. S/he coordinates work across the the different schools and organises the annual Schools Forum meeting.
Schools Forum
The annual meeting between the Heads of the British / Anglophone sections of the schools offering the OIB, generally held in November.
Subject co-ordinators
Specialist teachers who coordinate course teaching and examination preparation in the two subjects taught in English Language and Literature and History-Geography.
Universities and Colleges Admissions Service.
University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate: See Cambridge Board.
US College Board
College Entrance Examination Board.